B2B Collections Collection Tips

5 Tips for Better B2B Collections

Efficient B2B collections are essential for maintaining healthy cash flow and strong business relationships. Here are five tips to enhance your business-to-business collection process from expert team at Monetaria!

5 Tips for Better B2B Collections


5 Tips for Better B2B Collections

1. Maintain a Good Relationship with Your Customers

Building strong relationships with your customers starts with effective communication and excellent customer service. When you maintain a positive rapport, your customers are more likely to prioritize paying their invoices. Good customer service includes clear communication, managing difficult conversations tactfully, and consistently putting the customer first. By fostering these relationships, you increase the likelihood of timely payments and reduce the need for aggressive collection tactics.

RELATED: How to Improve Your B2B Debt Collection

2. Send Invoices Promptly

The faster you send out invoices after delivering products or services, the sooner your customers can prioritize their payments. Prompt invoicing sets the stage for timely follow-ups and reduces the chances of invoices being overlooked. Implementing a systematic approach to invoicing ensures nothing falls through the cracks and helps you maintain a steady cash flow.

RELATED: What Are the Common Mistakes in DIY Debt Collection for Businesses?

3. Follow Up Regularly on Unpaid Invoices

Consistent follow-up is key to ensuring timely payments. Depending on your industry, it may be appropriate to follow up weekly on unpaid invoices. If an invoice is more than 30 days past due, consider contacting the customer directly to discuss payment options. Regular follow-ups help keep payments on track and demonstrate your commitment to maintaining smooth business operations without appearing overly aggressive.

RELATED: How To Work With A Debt Collection Agency

4. Use a Debt Recovery Service When Necessary

While flexibility with payment deadlines is important, there are times when professional help is needed to collect B2B debts. If an invoice is more than 30 days overdue, and you’ve made several follow-up attempts without success, it might be time to consider a debt recovery service. Services like Monetaria specialize in debt collection and can help develop a plan that fits your situation without damaging your customer relationships.

RELATED: How to Send Someone to Collections: A Guide

5. Keep Track of Payments

Accurately tracking payments helps avoid misunderstandings and prevents animosity from customers who might feel unfairly treated. Proper payment tracking ensures that customers receive credit when due, maintains a professional image, and aids in future collection efforts. An organized approach to tracking payments also supports transparent communication and builds trust with your customers.

RELATED: What is Monetaria?

We’re happy you found this article informative! Go back to our blog page to find more tips, tricks and guidance on collections, to ensure your business gets paid.

If you have unpaid debts that need to be recovered, commercial debt collection may be a good option for your business. A commercial debt collection agency can help you with the process of recovering past-due accounts and provide guidance on best practices for managing accounts receivable. 

Led by a team of experienced commercial debt collection attorneys, Monetaria Group has helped hundreds of businesses recover and collect their outstanding debts and payments. Schedule a FREE consultation with our expert team to see how we can help you recover your money today!

B2B Collections Collection Tips

How to Send Someone to Collections: A Guide

Businesses need to stay on top of outstanding invoices and unpaid accounts receivable to stay afloat. To ensure effective debt recovery and management of the collections process, organizations must adapt to new laws, regulations, and emerging challenges. From the experts at Monetaria, here’s a guide on how to send someone to collections.

Understanding the Post-Pandemic Collections Landscape

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many debt collectors had to close their doors or shift to remote operations. State governments implemented further restrictions on collection activities. For example, Massachusetts prohibited collection calls, new lawsuits, income garnishments, and property seizure, while Illinois required debt collectors to negotiate reasonable payment arrangements or delay collections for 60 days.

At the federal level, the US Senate continues to debate legislation limiting debt collection during crises. Despite these obstacles, debt collection activities persist, with an increase in collection cases over the past decade. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has established guidelines for debt collectors, allowing interaction through text, email, and social media, but with restrictions like limiting calls to seven times per week and providing consumers with opt-out options.

RELATED: What Legal Changes Affect Business Debt Collection Practices in 2024: The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)


RELATED: What Legal Changes Affect Business Debt Collection Practices in 2024: The Telephone Consumer Protection Act

Selecting the Right B2B Debt Collection Agency

Choosing the right B2B debt collector is crucial in this new landscape. A reputable agency that is up-to-date with current challenges, follows new regulations, and maintains a good reputation can help avoid legal troubles and protect your company’s reputation. In this environment, Monetaria Group has emerged as one of the most trusted and dependable collection agencies. They emphasize responsibility, compliance with the latest rules and regulations, and maintain an exceptional reputation, striving to achieve the best results for their clients.

By partnering with Monetaria Group, businesses align with a committed team of experts who are knowledgeable about industry standards and trends, offering the most experienced advice on collections.

RELATED: Commercial Debt Collection for Beginners

How Go About Effective B2B Debt Collection

  1. 1-3 Days After Invoicing: Initial Follow-Up Resist the urge to immediately escalate to a debt recovery team. The client might not have seen the invoice or had time to respond. Send a polite email or make a courtesy call referencing the sent invoice to bring it back to their attention. This approach shows you’re following up while maintaining a polite and collaborative tone.
  2. 7 Days After Invoicing: Gentle Reminder After a week, increase the pressure slightly. Send a more sternly worded email emphasizing that the payment is overdue. Set a deadline, typically 14 days, and express your willingness to work together for a mutually beneficial outcome, asking if they are experiencing financial difficulties or when they intend to pay.
  3. 21 Days After Invoicing: Direct Contact Contact multiple senior executives and leaders in the business. A phone call is more compelling than an email and adds a personal touch. Be polite but firm, stressing that it’s the final opportunity to arrange payment before further escalation.
  4. More than 30 Days After Invoicing: Legal Action If all previous attempts have been ignored, it’s time to enlist a reliable debt collection agency. Choose an agency that adheres to legal processes, maintains transparency about costs, and keeps you informed throughout the process. Monetaria Group, with over a decade of experience and a team of debt recovery attorneys, offers top-tier services ensuring swift and efficient recovery while fostering positive client relations.

RELATED: What is Monetaria?

When to Hire a Debt Collection Agency

Knowing when to employ legal tactics in debt collection is crucial. Escalating to a debt collection agency, attorney, or lawsuit can strain client relationships, but timing it right can mean the difference between a successful recovery and writing off the debt. If you have unpaid debts that need recovery, a commercial debt collection agency can guide you through best practices for managing accounts receivable.


We’re happy you found this article informative! Go back to our blog page to find more tips, tricks and guidance on collections, to ensure your business gets paid.

If you have unpaid debts that need to be recovered, commercial debt collection may be a good option for your business. A commercial debt collection agency can help you with the process of recovering past-due accounts and provide guidance on best practices for managing accounts receivable. 

Led by a team of experienced commercial debt collection attorneys, Monetaria Group has helped hundreds of businesses recover and collect their outstanding debts and payments. Schedule a FREE consultation with our expert team to see how we can help you recover your money today!

B2B Collections Collection Tips Merchant Cash Advance Collection

How Much Do Collection Agencies Charge?

When you’re thinking to hire a debt collector to help you collect unpaid invoices, the first question you might find yourself asking is: how much does a collection agency charge?

To understand debt collection fees, there are two primary pricing models that collection agencies use: the contingency fee structure and the flat fee model. 

In this guide, we’ll explore the key differences between these two pricing structures, their benefits and drawbacks, and provide clarity on what you can expect in terms of debt collection agency fees and how much it costs to send a delinquent client with overdue bills to collections.

Hire a Debt Collector on a Contingency Fee: No Payment, No Fee

Most debt collection agencies operate on a contingency-based arrangement. This means they will only charge you if they successfully collect the debt on your behalf. For instance, if you engage a collection agency with a 20% contingency fee to recover a $10,000 debt, and they succeed, you’ll receive $8,000, while the agency keeps the remaining 20%, which is $2,000, as their commission. On the other hand, if the agency fails to collect the debt, you won’t owe them any fees.

Related: How to Choose a Debt Collections Agency

The contingency fee percentage typically falls between 20% to 50%, depending on various factors such as the age of the debt (older debts might incur higher fees), the balance owed (small-balance accounts may attract higher fees due to lower profit margins), the volume of accounts (bulk accounts could lead to negotiated lower fees), and the specific industry involved.

The main advantage of a contingency fee arrangement is that you only pay the collection agency if they successfully recover your debt. This incentivizes the agency to work diligently on your behalf to maximize results. Since they don’t get paid unless you do, they are highly motivated to give their best effort. Additionally, with a contingency-based collection agency, you won’t have to pay any upfront fees while your debt remains outstanding.


Hire a Debt Collector with a Flat Fee: A Fixed Cost Approach

In contrast, some collection agency fees are charged on a flat, one-time payment per account, regardless of whether the debt is successfully recovered or not. 

While pricing is a critical factor to consider when hiring a debt collection agency, it’s not the only one. The performance and track record of the agency are equally essential for a successful outcome. Opting for a low-priced agency that delivers inadequate results can be a costly mistake in the long run. It’s better to invest in a reputable and proficient collection agency, even if their fees may seem relatively higher, as their results will ultimately save you money and instill confidence.

Related: How To Hire A Debt Collection Agency

At Monetaria, our experienced debt recovery attorneys offer a transparent pricing model, clearly outlining our contingency-based fees, making it easy for you to understand exactly what you’ll be paying. 

Always remember that hiring the best collection agency with a proven track record can make all the difference in successfully recovering your debts. So, weigh your options wisely and choose a collection agency that delivers results, while providing transparency and clarity in all of their services and communications.

We’re happy you found this article informative! Go back to our blog page to find more tips, tricks and guidance on collections, to ensure your business gets paid.

If you have unpaid debts that need to be recovered, commercial debt collection may be a good option for your business. A commercial debt collection agency can help you with the process of recovering past-due accounts and provide guidance on best practices for managing accounts receivable. 

Led by a team of experienced commercial debt collection attorneys, Monetaria Group has helped hundreds of businesses recover and collect their outstanding debts and payments. Schedule a FREE consultation with our expert team to see how we can help you recover your money today!


Collection Tips Merchant Cash Advance Collection

5 Tips for Better MCA Collections


5 Tips for Better Merchant Cash Advance CollectionsDrawing on our extensive ten years of experience in merchant cash advance (“MCA”) collections, the Monetaria Group team has gained valuable insights into the critical nature of fund recovery for our clients. We fully comprehend the unique obstacles and challenges posed by the MCA sector when it comes to collections, and have discovered that by implementing effective systems and strategies, outstanding payments can be successfully recovered without causing undue pain or unnecessary delays.

Here are five key strategies for better MCA collections that we have implemented with our clients, that can help you too:

Know the Industry of the Business You Are Being Asked to Advance

In the realm of merchant cash advance (MCA), small businesses often rely on short-term funding to seize opportunities during critical periods. The success of MCA funders hinges on the businesses’ ability to leverage these opportunities, turning their situation around and making the funders whole seamlessly.

To maximize the chances of recovering funds, it is crucial for funders to possess a deep understanding of the industry and the businesses they engage with. This knowledge will enable them to assess the profitability of the businesses they are advancing funds to and anticipate any fluctuations in the businesses’ ability to deliver receivables as promised. By staying informed and knowledgeable, funders can make smarter decisions and increase the likelihood of a profitable and successful investment.

Build Strong Relationships and Communicate Frequently

In the world of merchant cash advance, cultivating strong relationships is paramount for both funders and their clients. Building trust and fostering open communication with clients lays the foundation for a deeper understanding of their unique needs and challenges. Establishing positive customer relationships only enhances the day-to-day relationship, but also ensures a smoother  negotiation if they are in a rough patch and need you to work with them in the event their receivables diminish.

Proactively offer solutions.

Rather than adopting a passive approach and waiting for merchants to default, it is highly advisable to proactively reach out to them. Initiating regular check-ins demonstrates a proactive attitude and a genuine willingness to work with them. This approach opens the door for discussions on reconciliation and other potential solutions, enabling any issues to be addressed promptly before they escalate into significant problems. By taking proactive measures, you can foster better communication, mitigate potential risks, and maintain a healthier working relationship with the merchants you’ve invested in.

Embrace cutting-edge technology.

The merchant cash advance industry has witnessed a remarkable surge in the development of CRMs and software solutions tailored to support MCA funders. By leveraging these advanced technologies, you can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your operations, ensuring that you collect all outstanding amounts owed to your company. Seek out services that offer key features such as customizable reports, client breakdowns, automated payment reminders, online portals for customer payments, and robust data analytics. These tools are readily available and ready to proactively empower your MCA collections.

Establish a contingency plan.

Despite your best efforts, there may still be instances where you have to deal with a merchant cash advance default. To safeguard your business from potential negative impacts, it is essential to establish a comprehensive contingency plan that diversifies your risk and avoids placing all your eggs in one basket. This plan should encompass thorough underwriting of merchant businesses and being prepared to explore alternative options for debt recovery. Such options may include selling the debt, offering the merchant reconciliations if applicable, engaging a reputable third-party debt recovery agency to help you with your MCA recovery, or resorting to legal action when necessary.


By implementing these crucial measures, you can effectively prepare yourself for a successful MCA collections experience while minimizing the stress and challenges it may otherwise present.


We’re happy you found this article informative! Go back to our blog page to find more tips, tricks and guidance on collections, to ensure your business gets paid.

If you have unpaid debts that need to be recovered, commercial debt collection may be a good option for your business. A commercial debt collection agency can help you with the process of recovering past-due accounts and provide guidance on best practices for managing accounts receivable. 

Led by a team of experienced commercial debt collection attorneys, Monetaria Group has helped hundreds of businesses recover and collect their outstanding debts and payments. Schedule a FREE consultation with our expert team to see how we can help you recover your money today!


B2B Collections Collection Tips

What Are the Signs You Need Professional Help with Debt Collection?

Running a small or medium-sized business comes with its many unique challenges, and one of the most pressing issues is dealing with clients who consistently fail to settle their bills. Outstanding and unpaid invoices threaten the financial health and stability of the business, and require swift and consistent follow up to ensure it all gets paid.

As a business owner, time is a valuable commodity, and chasing overdue invoices can become a frustrating endeavor.  Harnessing the expertise of a professional debt collection service, such as the recovery experts at Monetaria Group, can prove instrumental in efficiently recovering your funds, allowing you to focus on your business operations. Here are key indicators that it might be time to engage a debt collection agency:

5 Signs You Need To Hire A Debt Collection Agency


Collecting Bills Takes Up Your Precious Business Time: 

If collecting debts interferes with core business tasks, outsourcing to a collection agency can save significant time and energy, and give you back the time to focus on doing what you do best: growing your business.


READ MORE: How to Deal with Debt Collection Agencies


One Of Your Debtors May Be Going Bankrupt: 

Look for signs of a debtor preparing to default or declare bankruptcy. Repetitive bouncing checks or no response to your communication attempts are major red flags. If your instincts suggest potential bankruptcy, act quickly by hiring a collection agency or debt recovery attorney to file a claim before the opportunity is taken out of your hands.


READ MORE: When to Hire A Debt Collections Attorney?


You Don’t Have Dedicated Staff for Collections: 

Avoid burdening accounting or sales professionals with debt collection-which is not part of the purview or skill set-; instead, employ a dedicated debt collector who understands legal nuances and knows how to maintain client relations even while having difficult conversations.


READ MORE: When Is It Time To Hire a Debt Collections Agency?


Accounts Show Unpaid Invoices That Are Older Than 60 Days: 

Act promptly when accounts show unpaid invoices older than 60 days. That is when it officially becomes ‘delinquent’, and moving fast will help avoid delays that may complicate debt collection.

Overdue Receivables Impacting Cash Flow: 

When the overdue bills you need to collect keep mounting and impact your business’s cash flow and ability to pay your own suppliers and service your customers, it’s time to hire a debt collection agency or debt recovery attorney-or opting for a combined approach, which Monetaria offers-to help you collect what is owed to you and help put your business back on stable financial ground.

READ MORE: How to Send Someone to Collections

All these signs signal the need for debt collection assistance, and business owners should do thorough research before settling on a debt recovery agency. They should look for testimonials, pricing structures and how they can meet your needs. Monetaria Group, with over a decade in debt collection and led by an experienced team of debt recovery attorneys, offers top-tier debt collection services, ensuring the swift and efficient recovery of your dues while fostering positive and productive client relations.


We’re happy you found this article informative! Go back to our blog page to find more tips, tricks and guidance on collections, to ensure your business gets paid.

If you have unpaid debts that need to be recovered, commercial debt collection may be a good option for your business. A commercial debt collection agency can help you with the process of recovering past-due accounts and provide guidance on best practices for managing accounts receivable.

Led by a team of experienced commercial debt collection attorneys, Monetaria Group has lawyers for debt collection and helped hundreds of businesses recover and collect their outstanding debts and payments. Schedule a FREE consultation with our expert team to see how we can help you recover your money today!


Collection Tips

How to Choose a Debt Collections Agency


If your team is facing challenges with outstanding debts or seeking to maximize your businesses collection rate, enlisting the services of a debt collection agency could be the solution you need. These specialized third-party collection companies can effectively manage and recover outstanding debts, allowing your team to allocate resources more efficiently. Leveraging the expertise of a reputable debt collection agency and the many debt recovery resources they offer can help you address financial burdens and redirect your focus towards achieving greater success and productivity.

Let’s break down what a debt collection agency is, what they do to help business owners, and how to choose one for your business.


What Are Debt Collection Agencies?

A debt collection agency helps businesses with their debt recovery. Their services include communicating with those businesses that owe their clients outstanding invoices, creating and handling arrangements for pay back what they owe, or taking lawful actions if they are unwilling to cooperate. 


Why Hire a Debt Collection Agency?

Managing clients that don’t pay their invoices can be tough if you own a business. Their withholding affects your ability to pay your own providers and employees, and can harm your reputation and financial health.  It’s normal for someone to be late with payments periodically, but when it becomes a habit, your team can devote too much time and resources on trying to get paid by that one client, when they would be free to focus on growth and working with more promising partners.

That’s where a debt collection agency comes in. You can focus on developing your business once you’ve partnered with one, knowing you can count on them to get the results you’re looking for.

Additionally, many have specific niches, working in industries that they have particular knowledge and expertise in, which maximizes their ability to deliver for you. (For example, Monetaria specializes in merchant cash advance collections and  B2B debt collection.)


How to Choose a Debt Collections Agency

Now that you know why you need a debt collection agency, we’re going to address how to find one for your company. Several aspects should be taken into consideration, including the following:

Make sure the agency follows the law

When partnering with a debt collection agency, it is crucial to ensure their understanding and compliance with applicable federal and state laws governing debt recovery. 

To ensure legality and transparency in the process, it is highly recommended to choose an agency that employs experienced debt collection lawyers (like Monetaria!). This not only provides reassurance that all actions will be conducted in accordance with the law but also strengthens your confidence in the agency’s professionalism and expertise. 

Additionally, it is essential to verify that the debt collection agency you hire holds the necessary licenses as a legitimate debt collection entity. By taking these precautions, you can protect your interests and engage with a reputable agency that upholds legal and ethical standards in their debt recovery practices.

Consider the agency’s fees

Debt collection companies have different fees. Some take a portion of the money recovered, while others demand a flat cost. You should carefully analyze their cost structure and make sure it fits your needs and budget.

Consider the agency’s track record

Gather information about the agency’s track record by seeking referrals from accounting firms, business contacts, or industry associations. Checking online reviews and ratings can also be helpful. 

Look for an agency with experience in your specific industry as they will better understand its unique challenges.

Assess their communication and customer service

Effective communication is vital when working with a debt collection agency. Evaluate their responsiveness, clarity, and professionalism during your interactions with them. A reputable agency should have a dedicated customer service team that can address your concerns promptly and provide updates on the progress of debt collection efforts.

Selecting the right debt collection agency is crucial for your company’s success. By adhering to these guidelines, you can approach the decision with confidence, ensuring that you make a well-informed choice that aligns with your specific requirements and financial limitations. Remember, with the right agency by your side, you can effectively address outstanding debts, streamline operations, and propel your business towards greater heights than ever before.


We’re happy you found this article informative! Go back to our blog page to find more tips, tricks and guidance on collections, to ensure your business gets paid.


If you have unpaid debts that need to be recovered, commercial debt collection may be a good option for your business. A commercial debt collection agency can help you with the process of recovering past-due accounts and provide guidance on best practices for managing accounts receivable. 

Led by a team of experienced commercial debt collection attorneys, Monetaria Group has helped hundreds of businesses recover and collect their outstanding debts and payments. Schedule a FREE consultation with our expert team to see how we can help you recover your money today!


Collection Tips Merchant Cash Advance Collection

What Are The Common Mistakes In DIY Debt Collection For Businesses?

Collecting unpaid invoices and recovering outstanding debt can be a hard process, and often feels futile and frustrating.

Here, the debt collection and recovery experts at the Monetaria Group discuss 7 things many businesses do wrong when trying to collect debt on their own, and what they can try instead to maximize their chances at a successful recovery,


7 Mistakes Your Business May Be Making When Collecting Debt

1. Clarity in Debt Communication

Many times, business owners communicate with debtors in a scattershot and unorganized fashion, and are not clear about the amount owed, what was it for, and when the parties discussed the outstanding payment. Ensure your team communicates the debt details effectively, covering the owed amount, charges, due dates, and any additional fees, as well as all supporting documentation. Clear communication establishes a foundation for mutual understanding between your business and the debtor.


2. Aggressive Collection Tactics:

When a client withholds payment, it can slow down your own cash flow and challenge your business, which can make it feel like a business owner’s only option is to pursue aggressive collection tactics. Deploying aggressive tactics in debt collection can backfire, and reduce the possibility of finding a mutually beneficial outcome. This includes refraining from the use of abusive language, threats, or any form of harassment. A more respectful approach enhances the likelihood of successful debt recovery.


READ MORE: 7 Reasons to Use a Debt Collection Agency

3. Non-Compliance with Collection Laws:


When someone owes you money, you have the legal and moral high ground. Ensure you maximize your chances of a successful debt collection by familiaring your business with collection laws, especially the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), and following them to the letter so you don’t have any issues down the road. Understanding the legal framework governing debt collections aids your business in adhering to communication guidelines and avoiding legal disputes. State and local regulations also need consideration. Even if you are collecting commercial debt and the FDCPA rules and regulations do not apply to you, it is always best practice to track the FDCPA no matter what. 

4. Lack of Documentation Precision:

Shoddy and inadequate agreements, contracts, or invoicing complicates debt collection and recovery when a customer defaults or just refuses to pay. Ensure your organization maintains proper records, documenting the debt, payments, non-payments and communications. This meticulous approach streamlines the collection process and proves your case. It may seem like an additional administrative task that is unnecessary, but it always pays off in the long run. 


READ MORE: How to Collect Business Debt and Unpaid Invoices

5. Upholding Integrity in Debt Amounts:

Maintaining integrity in debt collection is crucial, and providing false information or misrepresenting the debt to the consumer is exceptionally problematic. Stick to the documented amount owed, and work to foster trust and credibility throughout the collection process.


6. Too Much Contact With the Consumer:

In their zeal to collect what is owed to them, business owners might find themselves obsessively calling or emailing the debtor at all hours. This is straying into the murky areas of harassment, which is detrimental to your case and counterproductive. Adhere strictly to legal guidelines, refraining from contacting a consumer’s friends, family, or employer without the consumer’s permission. This privacy protection measure is not only advised but also legally mandated in many cases..


READ MORE: How to Improve Your B2B Debt Collection

7. Not Listening or Being Inflexible 


Sometimes, a client may have a valid reason for not paying.

If there was a problem with the service or product, business owners would go a long way towards collecting their debt by hearing the client out and working together to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome that ensures you get paid. Simply ignoring their concerns won’t make it go away, and you’ll still be waiting on your money while they wait to reach a solution. 

Viewing disputes as opportunities to rectify issues fosters goodwill and helps retain customers.

When a customer cannot pay because of financial difficulties, attempting to collect money they don’t have isn’t productive. Acknowledge that consumers may face financial challenges, and being open to flexible solutions, such as offering payment plans or settling for a lower amount, demonstrates understanding, and in most cases gets you a better result.. This approach prevents potential customer loss during difficult financial periods and encourages cooperation in debt recovery.


READ MORE: What is Commercial Debt Recovery and Collection?


How to Avoid These Mistakes When Collecting Debt?


The most effective strategy to sidestep these pitfalls is to enlist the expertise of a professional debt collection agency or debt recovery attorney —or opting for a combined approach, which Monetaria offers. Their nuanced understanding of collections  frameworks, adept communication skills, and strategic approach can transform the debt recovery process and make it considerably easier for you to focus on growing your business while the professionals worry about collecting delinquent payments. By entrusting your collections to these professionals, you not only mitigate risks associated with legal complications but also enhance the likelihood of a successful and amicable resolution with debtors. Embracing their specialized assistance ensures a smoother path towards debt recovery and allows your business to focus on its core operations with confidence and peace of mind.


We’re happy you found this article informative! Go back to our blog page to find more tips, tricks and guidance on collections, to ensure your business gets paid.

If you have unpaid debts that need to be recovered, commercial debt collection may be a good option for your business. A commercial debt collection agency can help you with the process of recovering past-due accounts and provide guidance on best practices for managing accounts receivable.

Led by a team of experienced commercial debt collection attorneys, Monetaria Group has lawyers for debt collection and helped hundreds of businesses recover and collect their outstanding debts and payments. Schedule a FREE consultation with our expert team to see how we can help you recover your money today!


B2B Collections Collection Tips Merchant Cash Advance Collection

When to Hire A Debt Collections Attorney?


Hiring a debt collection attorney can be the most effective solution for recovering outstanding debts. These attorneys specialize in taking legal action to pursue client debts and provide essential assistance in navigating the complex debt recovery process. Engaging a debt collection attorney is particularly beneficial when dealing with large debts, pursuing payments from prominent companies, or requiring other legal support. 

This article serves as a valuable resource for small business owners contemplating the hiring of a debt collection attorney to recover debts from non paying clients

What is a Debt Collection Attorney?

Debt collection lawyers specialize in this complex area of law. They defend creditors’ rights under federal and state legislation.

A debt recovery attorney can assist you resolve the problem. Debt collection attorneys help clients navigate debt settlement, collections lawsuits, credit reporting issues, bankruptcy proceedings, and more.

When Would You Need To Hire A Debt Collection Attorney?


  1. Your Believe Your Case Will Go To Court

When you find yourself in a situation where legal action seems inevitable for debt recovery, it is advisable to seek the expertise of a debt collection attorney. While it is technically possible to represent yourself in court, hiring a professional who specializes in the pertinent laws significantly increases your chances of obtaining a favorable judgment. If you have been tirelessly pursuing your debt to the extent that a legal resolution appears necessary, enlisting the services of a debt collection attorney is a prudent step to ensure a stronger case and a higher likelihood of successfully reclaiming the funds owed to you.

  1. You Have To Send Out Demand Letters

When faced with the need to address outstanding debts without resorting to immediate legal action, demand letters play a crucial role. These legal documents enable you to present your perspective to the client and convey the message that legal consequences can be avoided if they promptly settle a specified amount. Often, upon receiving these letters, non paying clients feel compelled to resolve the debt before facing potential litigation. Engaging a debt collection attorney is beneficial in crafting effective and legally sound demand letters, ensuring that your message is clear, persuasive, and adheres to all relevant legal requirements. Their expertise can greatly enhance the effectiveness of these letters in motivating clients to fulfill their payment obligations.

  1. Your Client Owes You A Large Amount Of Money

If you find yourself in a situation where your client owes you a substantial sum of money, seeking the guidance of a debt collection attorney is a wise consideration. Many experts in the field recommend engaging the services of a debt collection attorney for cases involving non paying clients with debts of this magnitude. Typically, if the debt is significant enough that the associated costs of legal representation appear justified in pursuing court action, hiring an attorney becomes a prudent decision to pursue your case effectively.

  1. Your Client Is A Large Company

When dealing with a client who is a sizable corporation, it’s important to recognize that larger companies often possess greater resources and may resist efforts to compel debt repayment. In such cases, the expertise of a debt collection attorney becomes invaluable. These attorneys are well-versed in the tactics and strategies that large companies may employ to evade payment, making them instrumental allies as you navigate the pursuit of corporate debts. By leveraging the knowledge and experience of a debt collection attorney, you can strengthen your position and maximize your chances of successfully recovering the outstanding debts owed by these larger entities.

  1. You need any other sort of legal advice or assistance with debt collection. 

If you require legal advice or any form of assistance beyond debt collection, it is essential to seek guidance from a qualified professional. While collection agencies play a role in debt collection discussions, it’s important to note that they are unable to provide legal advice or initiate legal proceedings. Only a debt collection attorney possesses the expertise and knowledge of the relevant laws necessary to guide you effectively. Whether you need legal counsel, assistance with filing lawsuits, or comprehensive advice on navigating the complexities of debt collection, a debt collection attorney is your best resource for informed guidance tailored to your specific situation.


We’re happy you found this article informative! Go back to our blog page to find more tips, tricks and guidance on collections, to ensure your business gets paid.

If you have unpaid debts that need to be recovered, commercial debt collection may be a good option for your business. A commercial debt collection agency can help you with the process of recovering past-due accounts and provide guidance on best practices for managing accounts receivable. 

Led by a team of experienced commercial debt collection attorneys, Monetaria Group has helped hundreds of businesses recover and collect their outstanding debts and payments. Schedule a FREE consultation with our expert team to see how we can help you recover your money today!


Collection Tips Uncategorized

Working with a B2B Debt Collector in 2024: What You Need to Know

Post-pandemic, to say that things have changed across multiple industries would be a serious understatement. The collections agency industry is no exception. In order to ensure debt recovery and proper management of a collections process, organizations must learn all they can about the shifting new environment and adjust appropriately to new laws, regulations, and previously unseen issues.

Like many other companies, debt collectors were forced to shutter their doors or shift to remote operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. State governments stepped in to further limit collection activities during this time. Massachusetts, for example, prohibited collection calls, new lawsuits, income garnishments, and property seizure. Illinois required debt collectors to negotiate reasonable payment arrangements or postpone collection activities for 60 days.

At the federal level, the US Senate consistently debates legislation which would limit debt collection activities during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. However, debt collection activities continue despite these obstacles. Collection cases have increased during the past decade, with 15% of Americans having been sued by a debt collector. This indicates a shift for debt collectors, who are becoming more dependent on the courts to recover a certain percentage of payments. 

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) maintains guidelines for debt collectors. Debt collection firms may interact through text, email, and social messaging applications, but with restrictions, such as limited calls to 7 times per week and giving consumers more opt-out choices. 

As a business owner considering working with a merchant debt collector, it’s more important than ever to choose the right one. Selecting a B2B debt collector that is aware of current challenges, follows all new rules, and maintains a good reputation is essential. Failure to do so may result in legal trouble and harm to your company’s reputation. 

In this new post-pandemic landscape, Monetaria Group has emerged as one of the most trusted and dependable collection agencies in the industry. With an emphasis on responsibility, full compliance with the latest rules and regulations, and maintaining an exceptional reputation, Monateria Group strives to obtain the greatest possible results for its clients. 

By working with Monetaria Group, you will be aligning yourself with a committed staff of experts that is up to date on industry standards and trends, and can offer the most up-to-date and experienced advice on collections.


We’re happy you found this article informative! Go back to our blog page to find more tips, tricks and guidance on collections, to ensure your business gets paid.

If you have unpaid debts that need to be recovered, commercial debt collection may be a good option for your business. A commercial debt collection agency can help you with the process of recovering past-due accounts and provide guidance on best practices for managing accounts receivable. 

Led by a team of experienced commercial debt collection attorneys, Monetaria Group has helped hundreds of businesses recover and collect their outstanding debts and payments. Schedule a FREE consultation with our expert team to see how we can help you recover your money today!


B2B Collections Collection Tips

What Legal Changes Affect Business Debt Collection: The Telephone Consumer Protection Act in 2024


Collecting a debt is often more complicated than it may appear, especially with the many state and federal laws and regulations impacting the debt collection industry.

One of the most prominent–and therefore misunderstood–debt collection regulations affecting the industry is the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, which has seen enforcement expansions in recent years.

Here is a brief summary of how the regulations impact debt collectors and what the Telephone Consumer Protection Act is, from the debt collection and recovery experts at the Monetaria Group, as well as recent changes that may affect their enforcement.

What is the Telephone Consumer Protection Act?

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) was enacted in 1991 to regulate different forms of telephone communications, when this new method of human connection exploded into popularity and marked the beginning of the technology boom we’ve seen in the three decades since. 

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act covers solicitation calls, auto-dialed calls, pre recorded calls, text messages, and unsolicited faxes (maybe that’s not so relevant these days). The TCPA also prohibits non-emergency calls through an “automatic telephone dialing system” (ATDS) without prior express consent, and applies to cell phones, paging services, and services where the recipient is charged for the call, as well as residential telephone lines using artificial or prerecorded voices, unless specific exemptions are met. An ATDS, as defined by the TCPA, includes equipment capable of storing or producing telephone numbers using a random or sequential number generator and dialing such numbers.

READ MORE: What is a Debt Recovery Attorney?

What Is The Impact Of The Telephone Consumer Protection Act For Debt Collection?

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) significantly influences debt collection practices, particularly in the realm of calls to cell phones. The requirement for “prior express consent” lacks a precise statutory definition, relying instead on various court rulings and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decisions. Generally, debt collectors secure consent if the debtor provided their wireless number to the creditor during the transaction resulting in the debt owed. Despite the TCPA’s silence on the matter, court decisions affirm the right of recipients to revoke consent verbally or in writing.

In cases of TCPA violations, the act establishes a civil cause of action enabling recipients to seek damages. The recipient can recover the actual monetary loss suffered or $500 for each violation, whichever is greater. If the violation is deemed willful, the recipient may be entitled to three times the regular damages. Additionally, enforcement falls not only to the FCC but also to state attorneys general. However, before the FCC can impose monetary penalties on a party without an FCC license or authorization, it must first issue a citation warning the party of the impending consequences.

The landscape of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) underwent significant shifts with the issuance of the FCC’s Declaratory Ruling and Order FCC 15-72 on July 10, 2015. This order introduced several key changes to the interpretation and enforcement of the TCPA. Notably, it expanded the definition of “calls” to include text messages, reflecting the latest trends in communication practices, providing a broader scope of protection for consumers. The order also clarified that consumers have the right to revoke consent for calls and text messages sent from Automatic Telephone Dialing Systems (ATDS) in any reasonable manner at any time.

The FCC order also addressed the issue of reassigned phone numbers, stating that consent is no longer “inherited” from the previous owner after a single call. Callers must cease contact if the number has been reassigned, emphasizing the need for accurate recipient information. The interpretation of an ATDS was broadened, encompassing not just the device’s present capabilities but also its potential functionalities. The order clarified that an ATDS need not be actively using a random or sequential number generator to fall under the TCPA’s jurisdiction. These changes, although not exhaustive, underscore the dynamic nature of TCPA regulations and the need for organizations to stay abreast of evolving compliance requirements.

READ MORE: When Is It Time To Hire a Debt Collections Agency?

How to Ensure Your Debt Collection Complies With The Law

To ensure your work to recover funds owed to you is completely legal and above board, if you’re doing it yourself, make sure to read the latest news and advances in the debt collection law space and speak with debt collection lawyer-friends to make sure you’re doing everything right. If you’re working with a collection agency or debt recovery attorney-or both, like Monetaria, for example-do your research before engaging their services and ask for references to make sure they have a history of effective, legal and ethical debt collection practices.


We’re happy you found this article informative! Go back to our blog page to find more tips, tricks and guidance on collections, to ensure your business gets paid.

If you have unpaid debts that need to be recovered, commercial debt collection may be a good option for your business. A commercial debt collection agency can help you with the process of recovering past-due accounts and provide guidance on best practices for managing accounts receivable.

Led by a team of experienced commercial debt collection attorneys, Monetaria Group has lawyers for debt collection and helped hundreds of businesses recover and collect their outstanding debts and payments. Schedule a FREE consultation with our expert team to see how we can help you recover your money today!